Refurbishment and extension of historic building complex.
MIller Partnership have recently been appointed by the Tyne and Wear Building Preservation Trust to look at options for the future of Jesmond Dene Banqueting Hall. The building is currently on Newcastle City Councils Buildings at risk register, and the Trust have been charged with safeguarding its future through a long term strategy for restoration. Specifically we are to look at structural intervention to stabilise the roofless Hall together with redevelopment of the ruined ancillary buildings.
The Banqueting Hall occupies a key position in the public realm. Central to our strategy in moving forward is positive engagement of interested parties to ensure that proposals are evolved in a transparent and inclusive manner. In order to consult with stakeholders and establish design priorities, a series of focused workshop meetings were organised.
In response to the issues highlighted during stakeholder consultation, through physical analysis of the building complex, together with an economic / viability assessment; the following have been identified as achievable deliverable objectives within the scope of this proposal.
– Rescue / restoration of damaged building fabric. Including provision of structural stability to roofless hall and adjacent valley side
– Facilitate increased public access and site permeability
– Increase visual presence within and connectivity to the public realm.
– Provide DDA compliant access
– Facilitate ongoing financial sustainability via enabling development** and provision of additional floor space.
The proposal revolves around restoration of the original buildings and provision of additional floor space to provide a mixed use of ; artists studio’s, community / educational spaces, DDA facilities, accommodation for holiday rental.